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Become a sustainable yoga mat ambassador and embark on a journey of collaboration and creativity. Ready to explore the possibilities together?

So happy to share this journey with you, may it nurture your growth and journey towards financial freedom. 

Embrace wellness, promote Sustainability: Join Us in spreading Eco-Friendly Vibes with Our Yoga Mats!


Rituals bring a sense of comfort & ceremony to our life, acting as touchstones in a week or a day. Their power lies in their simplicity and ability to make changes at the subconscious level.

By integrating our four rituals for living well you’ll notice subtle shifts towards a sense of calm creative confidence rooted in an unwavering inner strength.


Where all rituals for living well begin – refine. 

Clear away the old & make space for the new. Shine a cleansing light and let go. 

Body brushing, saunas, warm lemon & water – getting rid of things that don’t bring you joy- the smell of sunlight and fresh flowers.


Where rituals for living well lead – Refresh.

Bringing new energy to new beginnings. A fresh flow of inspiration, creativity & vitality.

Swims in the sea, regular yoga practice  – the smell of peppermint and yang yang oil on your body.


The foundation for all rituals for living well – Ground.

A sense of connection to your inner universe. Strong, steady & unwavering.

The feel of wood & stone – time alone, yoga – the smell of trees and the earth.


Hope defines us. It’s a state of being, a way of moving through life that determines not only what we’ll achieve but how much we’ll enjoy the journey.


Join us in spreading the yoga mat love far and wide by becoming an ambassodor and earn money while you’re at it!

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Natural Ethical Beautiful